How to balance motherhood and career.

Motherhood is a joyful, challenging and rewarding journey that takes sacrifice, commitment and tenderness. Motherhood has caused mothers to sacrifice their careers and lifestyles to become good parents. Some women in music, sports, business and other industries are affected career-wise after giving birth. Meanwhile, others tend to care more about their career than children. Do you find yourself failing to balance motherhood and career? Well, it is one of the challenges that mums face. Consider these ways as measures to balance motherhood and career.

Practice self-care; At times, mothers prefer staying alone in their bedrooms listening to themselves without the interference of children. These feelings happen because you are overworking yourself out. You are giving too much to your children and work yet forgetting yourself. Take good care of yourself to take care of others properly.
Sleep well, exercise and share your challenges with friends. Self-care will help you emotionally to deal with both children and work.

Value your time; In the tales of motherhood, time is everything. The time wasted will affect your child’s happiness and your business. Mums who have successfully balanced motherhood and career have planned themselves well. Let time for picking up your children be time for picking your children, and nothing should interfere.

Create family fun and activities to strengthen the family bond. No matter how busy your schedule is, create family time. The stronger your bond, the more you know your children.

Be present in the life’s of your children; Communicate to your children more often through a phone call when you are at work. After work, carry your children and ask them about their day. You can as well share about your day at work. Children feel more loved when their parents physically touch them.  
Get interested in your children’s activities and attend them whenever parents are needed. Honestly, put your phone down.

Make mum friends; Regardless of your social class or the amount of help you get at home, you need to make mum friends. Mums always help mums. Don’t be choosy. Oh, I am a career mum, and my friends have to be career mums too. No. You will need a stay at home mum friend to check on your child sometimes. To call when your home phone is not working. You need mum friends to share your motherhood journey with and to cry too.

In the end, motherhood should not be an obstacle to our dreams. All mums should achieve life dreams and career goals regardless of their profession. These achievements happen with proper balancing of motherhood and career.

Published by Motherly heart

My name is Mary Ajambo, and I am a blogger at motherly heart. I am a mother. I love writing. I am here to make parenting an Interesting adventure for both mums and dads.

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